
A Higher Perch – to See Things in Perspective

When we fine-tune to our natural surroundings we can often find simple solutions to our complex situations. When we place ourselves at a higher level like a bird perched on a pole, we can see the different aspects of an opportunity or problem without, I quote "pride and prejudice" or being unduly influenced by our own emotions as well as by others.

Also, a more complete view gives us a better solution!

An Eagle-eye View – to See Things in full Perspective

A Higher Perch helps Seeing things in Perspective! 

Pausing to Put 'Reason above emotion or
impulse’ when dealing with our life needs and issues, can take us to this higher Perch.

View our issues like a bird perched high on a pole

A Higher Perch – to See Things in Perspective

A "Distance View" enables a Better Perspective ... An objective or detached thinking also helps Seeing things in Perspective!

Picture showing distance/ distant view

A "Distance View" for a Better Perspective

When we lose Perspective we lose track. Then, daily stress and strain takes its toll on our Health, Relationships and Life Goals.

So, let's position ourselves at a higher perch and take a distance view of our life ways, our issues, opportunities ... 

And get our life back on track.

Our Second Heart to our Rescue....

Increasing Sickness indicates poor health. Restoring Blood parameters may be key to Restore Health. Here is where our Second Heart(Calf Muscle Pump) comes to our Rescue…Along with blood profile parameters, knowing the role of  the Second Heart in Blood Circulation, is important for correcting Blood flow to sick parts of our body

Why is Regular Exercise of our Calf Muscles important?  It improves Blood Circulation of the whole body. As per "The Second Heart or Calf Muscle Pump is a system of muscles, veins, and valves in the calf and foot that work together to push deoxygenated blood back up to the heart and lungs.  When valves become defective or weak the second heart can be overwhelmed, blood can pool in veins, and varicose veins, spider veins, and Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) can develop."

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